byf1. this is an rps / writing account 2. i mainly scream about sunwon 3. will randomly spam like 4. selective fbs (mostly writing accs and rps accs) 5. some tweets are in taglog 6. official accounts are blocked 7. idgaf abt solo stans, i'm ok w them

dnfi1. basic dnfi criteria 2. you loathe rps and writing accounts 3. takes aus and ships seriously 4. you'd rip your hair out over a ship

side notes∙ works in ao3 are in english
∙ i am bad at tagalog narrations
∙ please do not interact with any of my tweets if you find it uncomfortable or if you have your own morals.
∙ if you don't want any engagements with rps accounts, then don't engage with us either lol